Some cool dead celebrity photos images:
The Walking Dead - Producers
Image by warriorwoman531 The Walking Dead panel during San Diego Comic Con 2011. Left to Right: Greg Nicotero (Consulting Producer); Robert Kirkman (Executive Producer); Gale Ann Hurd (Executive Producer); Frank Darabont (Executive Producer). Ironically, Frank Darabont was fired as Executive Producer shortly after Comic-Con for unknown reasons.
Image from page 205 of "Life and death : being an authentic account of the deaths of one hundred celebrated men and women, with their portraits" (1910)
Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: lifedeathbeingau00lewi Title: Life and death : being an authentic account of the deaths of one hundred celebrated men and women, with their portraits Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Lewin, Thomas Herbert, 1839-1916 Subjects: Death Portraits Celebrities Publisher: London : Constable and Co. Ltd. Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: whatthis life is. Thank God who calls you to Himself. You die, Madame,he continued, in the Catholic Apostolic and Roman Faith? I have livedin that faith and I die in it, she answered in a clear voice. Madame, saidthe great Bishop, you believe in God, you hope in God, you love God?With all my heart, she murmured, and never spoke again. The crucifixdropped from her hands, and as Bossuet uttered the last prayer, In manustuas, she died. It was three oclock on the morning of the 30th June. Thus, writes the Bishop of Valence, this great and royal-hearted princesspassed away, without having shown even the least sign of trouble or weak-ness in this awful surprise. I pray that God may receive her in Hismercy, added the Jansenist priest Feuillet, and all of you who read thesewords pray for her also. It is now the generally accepted medical opinion that the Princess diedof peritonitis, brought on by bathing in the River Seine. Authorities: Martins History of France ; and Julia Cartwright, Life. Text Appearing After Image: From the engraving ^y G. S/tcficin. No. 42 The Death of King Charles the Second.Born 1630. Died 1685. AT the beginning of the year 1685 the Kings usual gaiety forsookhim, and he became morose, gloomy, and dejected: this aroseprobably from his declining health. On Monday, the 2nd February,after passing a restless night, his countenance was observed to be pale andghastly. Dr. King, an eminent physician, who was in waiting that day,observed to the Earl of Peterborough, that his Majesty was in a strangehumour, for he did not speak a word of sense. On entering the Kingschamber they found him stretched on the floor as if dead. The doctorresolved to bleed him at all hazards, which restored consciousness. ForDr. Kings prompt action, the Council ordered that he should receive areward of ;^ 1,000, but this was never paid. At the news of the Kingsillness, crowds thronged the churches, praying that God would raise him upagain to be a father to his people. The bishops round his bed fell on theirkn Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.